Hessler Endowment Scholarship Fund

The Hessler Endowment Scholarship Fund

The Hessler Endowment Scholarship Fund was set up in honor of Rev. E. A. Hessler, by his family. Accrued interest from this fund is used to provide financial assistance for students planning to pursue full-time LCMS church-related ministry.  

If numerous applications are received, consideration is given first to applicants from our own Trinity Lutheran Church congregation, then our circuit, and then to members of our Michigan District.  

Pastor and our Elders oversee distribution and we encourage applications each year. The monies may be sought by an applicant more than just once.

Interested parties should write a short letter of request which includes full name, home congregation, name of university, and field of study.  Requests can be emailed to Pastor Oswald at mark.oswald@tlc-conklin.org , or via postal mail to Mark Oswald c/o Trinity Lutheran Church, 1379 Harding Street, Conklin, MI  49403.