Parent Resources

Look below for links to our Monthly Newsletters, Gradelink, Virtual Tutors, RaiseRight, and more!

Gradelink Parent Portal

Families were provided with a log-in for their account.  Click the image above.  Contact Britney Ritz for log-in information.

Right Now Media

Access to Bible studies, videos, music, books and more! Text TRINLS to 49775 to join.

Trinity Monthly Newsletter

Click the image for this month’s newsletter

Raise Right

Families and Friends of students can earn money towards tuition by purchasing gift cards for their everyday needs! Click the image above. Enrollment Code is : BEFB36LA359

Varsity Tutors

Tutor chats, group classes and more! Families were provided with a log-in for their account. Click the image above.  Contact Britney Ritz for log-in information.


Parent Resources for the month. Click here.