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Christ Centered and Student Focused

Our Mission

It is the mission of Trinity Lutheran School to provide an excellent education in a Christ-centered, student-focused environment.

Trinity Lutheran School’s core values are captured in our desire to be a helpful tool for families as they raise their children to be lifelong followers of Christ.

Teachers of the Truth, Outstanding Education, Operating scripturally, Lovingly modeling Christ

Core Values

In addition to our robust academic curriculum, Trinity’s teaching staff provides instruction in areas of technology, art, music, and physical education. In addition to the instruction of our own staff, Trinity works in partnership with Coopersville Area Public Schools through the “shared time” program. Shared time allows us to offer additional instruction utilizing specialized teachers through Coopersville Area Public Schools.

Enrichment Classes

We are committed to working with families in order to make the Christ-centered, student-focused education we provide at Trinity affordable.  We have a generous tuition assistance program available through LCDSF (Lutheran Christian Day School Fund)  as well as SCRIP/Raise Right, which provides “free money” toward tuition.  To learn more about these programs, please feel free to contact us.

Tuition Assistance

Trinity Lutheran School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin. It is our desire to welcome all children; however, we are not equipped to handle students with severe learning or behavioral problems. We keep our classroom sizes small in order to facilitate the Christ-centered, student-focused education for which we are known. Class sizes will be kept at no more than 20 students. Should this policy cause enrollment limitations, preference will be given to members of Trinity Lutheran Church first and then honored on a first-come-first-served basis.

Admission Policy