Trinity Lutheran Church of Conklin, Michigan, is a congregation that has both a long history upon which to reflect, and also a bright future as it looks ahead. Established in 1865, this family of faith observed its 150th anniversary 2015. While thankful for all the blessings our gracious God has given to her in the past, Trinity continues to seek to serve the Lord and His people in the present, and at the same time, makes plans to carry out her mission and ministry in the years to come.

Nestled in the heart of the apple orchard country of West Michigan, Trinity is a rural congregation that is affiliated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a Christian denomination that has its home office in St. Louis, Missouri. Salvation by God’s grace through faith for Christ’s sake is the central teaching of the church which stands firm on the truth of Scripture and holds the Bible to be the inspired Word of God.

Trinity has operated a Christian Day School since 1870 which now includes preschool through fifth grade and remains a vital part of the overall mission of the congregation. In addition to the school, Trinity has an active youth ministry that among its many activities, has taken mission trips to various parts of the country. Recently the church has also involved itself more in the communities in the surrounding area. Trinity also supports a special mission project each year and provides care and support for her own members in a variety of ways.

“Together in Faith,” the theme for Trinity’s stewardship campaign that began in 2002 and resulted in an addition to the narthex of the church and also the construction of a Family Life Center which includes a gym, church offices, youth rooms and the preschool, continues to be the key to this faithful family of believers who invite you to join them as people of God who are indeed “Together in Faith.”